The best way to describe myself is a puzzle enthusiast. I love puzzles of all types — jigsaw puzzles, logic puzzles, or design puzzles. I believe that by reframing the challenges, stressors, and obstacles we face in life as puzzles, we can approach them from a more creative and action-oriented mindset.
I am excited by puzzles big and small, from the Will Shortz puzzles in the New York Times to how to make our healthcare system more effective and accessible. Even though we may not yet know how to put the pieces together for some of life’s biggest puzzles, that doesn’t mean we don’t have the pieces, or can’t solve it. My approach is to start with the border — to think about how we “frame” the puzzle. Because without understanding the problem we’re trying to solve, how can we fill in the missing pieces?
All good design starts with a story, and there’s just a little bit of mine. You can learn more about my experience through my resume, or check out my old school portfolio.
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